Gender and Music

     Not often do people really sit back and realize gender and music is a thing. People often times someone will hear a song and be like “this is a girly song” or “this song is for girls” I know this is true because I have heard it before. As a huge Taylor Swift fan many times the boys I’m around will say they don’t like her music because it’s for dramatic girls. I also listen to all different types of music, so sometimes if a rap song is on and I started singing along the boys will be like I can’t believe you know this song. It seems to be true that people associate different types of music with gender. 
    Often times female singers are frowned upon because some people don’t like songs that are sang by women. One time I had this male teacher in middle school say a song would be better if a female didn’t sing it. Also I feel as if being able to play certain instruments are associated with gender because how often do you see a female play an electric guitar? I know if I saw a woman play an instrument like that I would be impressed because I feel like it is not that common. I’m not saying I don’t associate music with gender because I feel like it is natural for us to do so. If I hear the song “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” I automatically associate that with like a girly sleepover or something because that is the vibe the song gives off. I’m sure there are songs men feel the same way about, but I notice the girl ones more because I’m a female. I didn’t really think about how much gender and music associate with each other until I actually looked into it. There are probably many more ways that relate to each other, but these reasons are the first ones that cross my mind. In mine and many others worlds gender and music are closely related. 


  1. I totally agree, subconsciously we associate certain kinds of music gender. I love Taylor Swift too, but also I love shocking men when I start rapping along with their fav artists. Music should be defined simply by the art that it is, not by what gender it "should" be. I never really thought about this association as well until this blog, so it was fascinating to do more research on it.

  2. I agree with what you said about noticing songs may have more feminine tones because you're a woman. I feel like we as a society do tend to stereotype songs and that sucks that we do, but I don't think there's much of a way to prevent it. I like that you included Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"! I've loved this song and known every word since I was little, my parents would play it all the time around my house. It made me think of my childhood and I thank you for giving me that little blissful moment of rememberance.


  3. I hate it is like this but yes, we often automatically will group certain things with certain genders. Sometimes we don't meant to, but it is just what we have come accustomed to doing. The bad thing is, me as a female has also said, " i don't like this song because it is too girly." Whenever since I am a female, I should be giving encouragement to any other female. Same thing goes fro guys as well though. It is tough to brake something that we've came accustomed to. Hopefully, we do start seeing more females as lead electric guitarist or drummer or whatever they want to be.

  4. I totally agree!! Often times certain types of music and/or instruments are associated with gender which isn't right. I think that expectation stems from misogyny and sexism. When you brought up the experience you had with your middle school teacher it broke my heart. It saddens me that a lot of men do think that way. Music should not be limited to gender. You convey the message perfectly.

  5. It does feel good shocking those men when us women know a rap song haha. But then again just because I'm a woman I must automatically not know any rap song played? it sucks and is frustrating, but it also blew my mind thinking about how I have never seen a women play an electronic guitar before or even like the drums. Yes, I am sure there are many women out there who do but why was is it when we hear electronic guitar or drums our minds automatically go to men? So sadly, we subconsciously do it ourselves all the time.

  6. YESSS! shocking guys by singing along to a verse or two of any rap song is always a good laugh. I also wrote about music and gender, and I totally agree with you. I genuinely think the stereotypes of guys listen to this and girls listen to that is so ingrained in society, we don't even know we do it sometimes. Just listen to or play whatever instrument you want, who cares!


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